Wednesday, August 22, 2012


The august night is cool
in the shadow of the fall
a lambent moon is waxing
our shady grip relaxing
so silver dreams can pool
near the garden by the wall

where growth is ever stalked
but time to sow is scant
when furrows of fertility
enable the ability
before the light is balked
and the season says we can’t.


Anonymous said...

Like always, great word choice. I really, really enjoy the scheme you built here.

rch said...

Thanks a lot Jack, that couplet in the middle gives it a little change up.

Marbles in My Pocket said...

Great reading. Very nice rhyming scheme!

M. A. S. said...

I really love your rhyme scheme here!

NefariousX said...

This was really well crafted. The contrasting consonant sounds worked well. Cool poem.

rch said...

I really appreciate your kind words everyone.

Anonymous said...

animated write.

Anonymous said...

perfect rhyming n sentiments.

Anonymous said...

well penned sentiments.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

a charming poem, very compact write.