Thursday, July 25, 2024

Write Off

They profit off your skin
And pulverize your bones
Then after the fix they put you in
They take away your stones

They snicker at your tears
And drink them like champagne
Regardless of how many years
You helped their record gain

And finally, when you are spent
And feel you may expire
That's when these heartless fiends relent
And force you to retire.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Getting the Wind Knocked Out of You

Have you ever been comforted by a lie,
Defended a deceit for which you’d die,
Or would you be upended by the truth,
Tossed about and shaken like a youth
Who finds out once they finally face the fall
That solid isn’t very soft at all—
Would you rather take a sec to catch your breath
Or be smothered by deception until death?

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Lip Service

The day your dreams were done
You frolicked in the sun
And now, another year of bliss,
Your cup doth overrun.

The benefits of clan outweigh
The freedom that you sign away
And all it costs is just one kiss,
Or so traditions say.

Monday, July 22, 2024


Growing callous
Stabbing throats
Worshipped phallus
Horus gloats,

Set's disciples
Won't bow down
They’ll scuttle scruples
To steal the crown,

Hapless mortals
Aren’t dismayed
*nervous chortle*
In the pyramids shade.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Stay Safe

A bumbling buffoon
Defers to a loon
But off in the wings
Just yanking those strings
Are those who hope soon
To proclaim themselves kings.

So many asleep
Like good little sheep
What will they say
When the wool's pulled away?
Some earplugs may keep
The bleating at bay.

Saturday, July 20, 2024


Make a break
Sink a ball
Bet your stake
Beat them all
See your shot
Take a cue
When you’re hot
Run ‘em through.

Friday, July 19, 2024


Of all the things I could have done
Here’s me: the most annoying one
So I simply stay home and try to maintain
This fleeting feeling that I’m still sane
It seems I had my time for fun
And now I learn the way of pain.

Thursday, July 18, 2024


There’s a really good book
I’ve been meaning to read
But you can’t school a rook
When the King bellows, “Heed!”

Or lecture a pawn
Who is likely to die
When the Queen starts to yawn
Just to catch a knight's eye

The bishop may bless
All who fight to and fro
But there’s an end to this mess
That good book says so.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


Politicians ply the pander ploy
To bolster a bulging ballot box
Apparently quite anxious to annoy
The foolish fowl that voted in the fox.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Remember when you’re on your knees
How anxious you were to appease
Those with conquest burning in their eyes

Importing destruction to smugly claim
That you’re a good person is not only lame
It is when the posture surely dies.

Monday, July 15, 2024


Who should lead
Is a point of contention
The one we need
Is beyond convention.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Plot Armor

The stage has been set
The players all fed
Their lines, now we get
A climax to dread
Who knows what cast could be reborn
Perhaps the freedom we currently mourn
Beware all heroes they portray
There’s only one Boss we must obey.

Saturday, July 13, 2024


No more heavy head
The crown has been shed
Leaf by golden leaf
A monarch is dead
His season so brief

The branch that bore fruit
Is now destitute
There seems to be no heir
And now we ask how hard a boot
The new regime will wear.

Friday, July 12, 2024


The sorrow and the joy we weave
Into the cloth of life
Are why we laugh and why we grieve
Through trying bouts of strife,
Despite what little we perceive
The tapestry is rife
With many flaws that we must cleave
Like thread before a knife.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Echo Chamber

Empowerment is such a rush
Forget about grace and poise
Growing louder the more they flush
Empty vessels make the most noise

The spiteful never check their pride
And how much it destroys
They’re hollow with no heart inside
Empty vessels make the most noise

Confused by the compulsive lies
The system routinely employs
They spew nonsense but think they’re wise
Empty vessels make the most noise.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Read Me?

So many words
But what was said?
The curse of versification:
Its usual classification
Is ‘For the Birds’.
Please read instead.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024


The Biking Poet rides again
But trust me, not by choice
A busted car and worn-out pen
Have quieted his voice

It’s hard to pedal in a rut
But beats exhausted feet
The problem is a sixtyish butt
Ain’t made for a teenager’s seat.

Monday, July 08, 2024


Creation comes in dribs and drabs
A portrait by determined dabs
And when that burning passion stabs
Just be glad it isn’t crabs.

Sunday, July 07, 2024


Ant upon a pane of glass
Feels the sun, sees the grass
Wonders why it cannot pass
Just don’t bring your friends en masse!

Sometimes when you find you can’t
You may want to fuss and rant
Or you can be adamant
Just like this tenacious ant.

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Ee-eye Ee-eye ewwww

A cow in a coupe?

Pray it doesn’t poop,

In less than a mile

You could have quite a pile,

Before you hit town

You become farmer brown.

Friday, July 05, 2024


Being a hermit isn’t all that bad

You can pretty much do as you please

Although your neighbors may not be glad

If they see you swinging in the breeze.

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Nothing Left to Lose

We all wear chains

Some feel the rub

More than others do


Your burden wanes

The more you grub

Or you can soldier through


I'll bear the pains

Until a nub

Is all that’s left, will you?


Wednesday, July 03, 2024


 The archetypal moocher moaned

When I regained my wheels

She feels that we should all be owned

By those who cut the deals

And though internally I groaned

No independent kneels.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024


 Who wouldn’t opt for optimal?

Well, some are slightly slow

But opting in is optional

So pick your path and go!

Monday, July 01, 2024


The Shepherd guides

A fearful flock

To shun what hides

Behind a rock


That will not sleep

And won’t behave

By feeding sheep

The lies they crave.

Sunday, June 30, 2024




Feeling less-than-motivated




Fills me with anticipation




Sometimes it’s worth it to say I waited.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Keep Kicking

If you go with the flow
You may be a fool
Just hitching a tow
To a stagnant pool

Or even worse yet
A whirlpool (how grim)
And then you’ll regret
Your failure to swim.

Friday, June 28, 2024


It seems that it took so long
To hold you in my arms
I thought this day would never be
I can’t wait for you to share
My life and all your charms
But I can’t even get to eight fifty three

It’s eight fifty two
I’m so in love with you
At nine o’clock we say I do
But it’s eight fifty two

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Beyond Debate

Ancients at the podium
Inspire righteous odium
Every word they speak, a lie
Theatrics for the shuttered eye
Best stock up on Imodium
The shit is sure to fly!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Pretty Kitty

Tiger crouching in the grass
Patient pose to watch prey pass
Fear not, it’s no ferocious one
This orange beauty prefers the sun.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Common Ground

Differences abound
But what cannot be found
Is a reason why we all should unite

Everyone seems to feel
Only their beliefs are real
Resulting in a nonstop ideological fight

We’ve got to find the place
Of compromise and grace
Or watch the fuse ignite.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Didn’t Age Well

Seeing that stale flame
Really left me cold
Remembering the foolish game
And how it grew old
As we did, just the same.

Sunday, June 23, 2024


Want a like
So you can gage
My depth of rage?
Take a hike!

Hear that click?
Press your luck
You'll need to duck
Really quick.

Feel some fear?
It will expand
When you understand
The mob is near.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Fractured Fairy Tale

There is a crooked man
In a corrupted house
Whose wife has no plan
To save her less-than-upright spouse

He has no good defense
For stirring so much strife
I guess it’s just a consequence
Of living a crooked life.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Current Events

Once you’re immersed
The current pulls you down
Until you’re in over your head

If you stay submersed
You likely will drown
Break through for air instead.

Thursday, June 20, 2024


Return to the source
Primordial force
Soul starts to merge
Sensations surge
Sentient stars
Perform eight bars
Harmony ignites
Phantasmal delights.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


It’s exhausting to articulate
The lethargy I feel
Bordering on insensate
Is anything even real?

Assailed by the absurdities
To which the weaker cleave
And all their foul proclivities—
For truth, I grieve.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Thinking of John

You played where you weren’t supposed to go
But you went there anyway
Until you learned about the endless show
Then played a different way

We say goodbye to you
Beneath a dying sun
So glad for what you chose to do
So sad for what you might have done

We say goodbye to you
You smile and say hello
Across the universe you flew
To where the sweetest berries grow.

Monday, June 17, 2024


I have such ample breasts
Of chicken, eyes up here
They say a jackass jests
Well, so it would appear.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

In the Moment

A gibbous moon is waxing
O'er the Lightning Bug Ballet,
It’s tranquil and relaxing
As they flit and flash away.

With solstice quickly nearing
What will the summer bring?
I shrug, and just keep leering,
Enraptured by the spring.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Any Dragons About?

When harridans howl
Heroes hightail
A scavengers scowl
Over wives who wail.

Friday, June 14, 2024


We gave them every comfort
So they could grow to be
The most annoying bastards
The world will ever see

The griping and the whining
And the me me me me me
Are even worse when tempered by
Their skewed morality.

Future mothers, consider this
A drastic call to arms,
Teach discipline or you will find
How much indulgence harms.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Greener 🤢

Is there anything worse
Than celery that’s flaccid?
How about a vegan
All pasty and placid
That comes to a dinner
With a big covered dish
Of fricaseed crickets
Don’t that sound delish?

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


If you could do it
Would you?
If it would kill you
Could you?
Can you embrace
To salvage another’s
If only I knew
The magic
I'd save her from
The tragic
Without a single
Even if she had to miss

Tuesday, June 11, 2024



The way thieves work the digits makes them think

They can do whatever they want to do

But it could change in one proverbial blink

If we say, “We are many, you are few!”

Monday, June 10, 2024

Bluesman and Robin

I took you under my wing
And taught you how to fight
Despite the paralyzing sting
Of nibbling, gnawing fright
But you were very slight,
Too injured to survive the spring,
Before you flew into the night
You reminded me to sing.

Sunday, June 09, 2024


Suspicious to a fault?
I guess that’s me
But only one or two has proved me wrong.

If you’re not fond of salt
Perhaps it’s best you be
Aware of my salinity, it’s strong.

Saturday, June 08, 2024


How beats the heart
That shrinks and then swells
What rhythm compels
The courage to start?

What forms the mind
That can sweet talk a sigh
But still tell a lie
Of the wickedest kind

Where shines the soul
Of immeasurable worth
We are blessed with at birth?
That spark makes us whole.

Friday, June 07, 2024


I sought something meaningful to say
On your very special day
But duty kept getting in the way

So I hope these simple lines will show
How blessed we were twelve years ago
And I love you more than you can know.

Thursday, June 06, 2024


If you put familial needs before your own
Occasionally you may let loose a groan
Until you feel the love of those who know
The work you do so they can play and grow.

Wednesday, June 05, 2024


The fruit we must not eat
Is the one we most desire
But will it still seem as sweet
When roasting in the fire?
The orchard offers fleeting shade
As steamy flesh is soon flambéed.

Tuesday, June 04, 2024


We’ll bleed them with unending bills
And charge them more for harmful pills
Until they find, what truly kills
Is blind, obdurate trust

Our ancient clan manipulates
All the measures and the weights
Before our foe retaliates
They will be dust

Monday, June 03, 2024


Waiting for the boss
Starting to grow moss
Way past getting cross
Refuse another loss.

Sunday, June 02, 2024


“Choose well when you’re young.”
Said the fool who had hung
Up his calling to care
For the less-than-aware.

But he knew anytime
He could sing, here the crime
Would be to just shirk,
He was no such jerk.

Saturday, June 01, 2024


Welcome to Dystopium
Just past the town of Copium
If you don’t want a taxing life
You better stop at Hopium.

Thursday, May 30, 2024


Failure can thwart
Even the strong
Time is short
Don’t take long.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Fast Eddy

They called him Fast Eddy
Because he was so quick
His opponent had no time
To chalk up a stick

He'd hammer the break
And then make a run
Then grunt, “Rack ‘em up.”
When he was all done.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


If you may
Then you might
So you say?
Well, not quite.
Every day
Worth the fight!

Monday, May 27, 2024

Never Enough

The days go so fast
That several have passed
Since I last posted again
Good thing this blog
Allows me to log
On when I choose from my pen
I'm lagging a bit
But I’ll never quit
Despite knowing how to say when.


The clamor of an early train
Clatters in my waking brain
Then magic mingles with mundane

I see a mighty armored beast
That lopes along from west to east
(my dogs aren’t bothered in the least)

It’s quickly gone, ignoring me
(another derailed fantasy)
The fee for whimsicality.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Da Feet

Were the mop tops
Just more psy-ops?
I don’t really know
But hearing them my toe
Taps and never stops—
Well played my foe.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Money's Worth

The haughty think piles of money
Will make everything just fine
But when you give milkers the honey
They thirst for blood like wine

If only we all could acknowledge
That handouts are simply a lie—
Is that the big lesson in college
To patronize people you buy?

Friday, May 24, 2024


How many of me
Could there be?
Well theoretically
More than three
And hopefully
The majority
Will only be
The best of me.

Thursday, May 23, 2024


Remember wandering streets at night
Loopy from hormones and lust
And wondering if you were bound for delight
Or just another bust?

Or standing there atop a hill
That overlooked your town
In search of one amazing thrill
Before it dragged you down

Can you even recall the way you felt
When you weren’t forced to bear
The disappointments you were dealt?
Just leave it all back there!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Sorry but I went away
There wasn’t all that much to say
But now I’m back, so lucky you
Some more nonsense for skimming through.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

401k or *@#k

Give a shit, you’re killed.
Don’t? You’re black-pilled
Sometimes it’s suicide to show them you are skilled

Excellence is banned
Creativity gets canned
Those latter years don’t seem to be as cushy as you planned.

Monday, May 20, 2024


He walked through the nicotine haze
Of she who could never quite cope
His eyes had the permanent glaze
Of one barely maintaining hope

Approaching the gateway he paused
Reluctant to enter the den
Where venomous vitriol caused
A partially poisonous pen

Domestic defaults are a curse
When music keeps calling the tune
Of course things could always be worse
A song they might sing very soon.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Blown Over

I can feel the encroachment of sin
As dark as the clouds rolling in
Attempting to block out the light
Reducing the depth of my sight
But I shake my head and just grin
Determined to only do right.

Saturday, May 18, 2024


The apple tree didn’t bloom this year
Perhaps the problem is rooted in fear
Of being ravaged once again
By those incapable of saying when

Creating dependents behooves the state
They go along with any mandate
But once they feel they deserve more
The rottenness goes right down to the core.

Friday, May 17, 2024


So you say you want to learn
How to multitask?
Become a cook and you’ll discern
How much of yourself you can ask.

Thursday, May 16, 2024


Best skip Vampire Town
Before the sun goes down
Or you’ll be drained of every single drop

And you know inside it’s true,
There’s nothing you can do
Unless you run and run and never stop.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Back Talk

I have to work my way up to erect
But it’s not what the lewd might expect
And you just may have a hunch
If, like me, you’ve worked an awful bunch.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


As your digital self is entangled
With the quantum mechanics of why
You reach for the fruit that is dangled
Although it’s a virtual lie

The code you rely on? Corrupted
By viral invaders who seek
A signal, that once interrupted
Shall scramble the will of the weak.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Lop Sided

Were justice yours to mete
Would your arm complete
The fatal arc?
Did it just get that dark?
The downside of defeat—
It’s bound to leave a mark.

Sunday, May 12, 2024


I thought of Mom a lot today
The only thing that I can say:
I hope you are at peace somewhere
In the aether, no despair.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Minutum Cerebrum

Those with stunted frontal lobes appear
To think that we should make our farmers steer
Away from growing substances required
To help ensure we don’t wind up expired
And if you feel such actions aren’t insane
You may have a similarly affected brain.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Short Order

An hour can make you regret
A lifetime that you let
Opportunities go

When you’re drenched in sweat
But there are tickets yet
Then you’ll know

Refuse the urge to fret
No future is set
Change can quickly show.

Thursday, May 09, 2024


I answer the birds when they sing
They anxiously tweet back their part
I don’t know what’s said, but here’s the thing:
Melody speaks to the heart.

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

🤡 🌍

The more polished the turd
The more that I cringe
Plasticity preferred
By bleaters that binge
On fakeness. Absurd?
Oh, more than a tinge.

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Have a Nice Day

Seeing through the lies
Is not that great
You don't feel all that wise
Just more irate

And if you actually try
To sit and share
They look you in the eye
With that odd stare

You’re better off to grab
Your tongue and squeeze
Or simply stick with drab
Preprogrammed pleasantries.

Monday, May 06, 2024

Anna Graham

Anna Graham
Took the tram
To the mart
Filled her cart

Paid her tab
Had to bat
Her eyes to nab
A checkered cab.

Sunday, May 05, 2024


He saw the flag that was waving him in
Not the red ones, and now chagrin
Has left him stuck, without an oar
So he learned to curse in semaphore.

Saturday, May 04, 2024


The sun came up, I felt a twinge
Of awe as gold began to fringe
The clouds that framed an endless sky,
Another day, another try.

It seems that spring is finally here
It’s best when may turns crystal clear,
This vista that commands my view
Inspires me to follow through.

Friday, May 03, 2024


To make some food that isn’t lame
You have to tame
The fearsome flame

To vinify a vintage wine
The sun must shine
Upon your vine

To write a soul arousing song
Invite the throng
To sing along

To find the least repressive place
Address the race
With love and grace.

Thursday, May 02, 2024


The butterflies and bumblebees
Are bouncing on the breeze
As blossoms bop their little heads
And twirl around with ease

This choreographer knows His craft,
A perfect scene in every shaft
Of light where every dancer treads,
A sweet ballet with each new draft.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Father Knows Best

The human heart despite its strength
Is easily misled
And though I could go on at length
I’ll tell you this instead:
Give love to God the Father first
And his holy Son
Then, when evil does its worst
The fight's already won.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024


So close to may
But doubts still prey
As spring seems uninclined to stay

Despite our needs
We have the seeds
For compromise, and growth proceeds.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Rug City Retrospect

We all have spurts of good luck
And stretches where things just suck
And though we periodically plan
We take what comes and do the best we can.

Sunday, April 28, 2024


The perpetual imposer can't see
Just how annoying they are
Presenting their most recent plea
Constantly pushing too far
Until there’s no one left to shove
Never take advantage of love.

Saturday, April 27, 2024


The first two hours disappeared
I cooked and cooked till it was cleared
The silent printer is my Zen
Until that chatter starts again

Play with hot food, you’ll be burned
I have so many scars, just look
A fearsome flame won’t be spurned
Another ticket, gotta book!

Friday, April 26, 2024


A creature that crawls on its belly
Isn’t as clever as it may think
For nether regions are smelly
And that’s where it likes to slink—
In shadows, where prey can’t see,
As dark as its heart seems to be.

Thursday, April 25, 2024


It’s getting harder to see
No matter how much I squint
The light escapes me
Should I just take a hint?
I’ll always seek the glint.

And sounds aren’t as clear
Regardless how I strain
I’m struggling to hear
Will understanding wane?
Perhaps it’s best to filter out disdain.

And lately my speech
Has been overly flecked
With lies that fools preach
But I’ll only interject
With words of respect.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Is time dilation real?
Well, here’s the deal:
I started this poem at one
But it was already done
So posted it late
Isn't time tweaking great?

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


It’s a block to build,
A hole that’s filled,
Or the culprit when the truth is killed

The signal is strong
But many go wrong
When lost in the chaotic noise of the throng

Although we seek
To block the bleak
Salvation is dropped when reception is weak.

Monday, April 22, 2024

None of The Above

They’ll tell us that we have no other choice,
to save the earth all humans must obey
restrictions that will strangle every voice
and limit life in every single way.

Eliminating options to survive
they’ll tell us that we have no other choice
but gather in their sterile techno-hive
while they go buy the trendiest Rolls-Royce

and send taxpayers the invoice.
And as we choke down foul synthetic food
(they’ll tell us that we have no other choice)
their gourmet delights shall be chewed

then washed down with bubbly champagne,
the worst part? They think we should rejoice,
do you want to submit to their illegitimate reign?
There’s always another choice.

Sunday, April 21, 2024


Your tulips appear
To be frosty my dear
The red is subdued
Much like the mood
When spring should be here

The winters are drear
Year after year after year
If it wasn’t for such drudgery
Perhaps there wouldn’t be
Frost on your two lips dear.

Saturday, April 20, 2024


The left and right wings are the same
Propelling the eagle to new heights of shame
They make a flap
But don’t do crap
And soon we’ll be lunch meat once lame.


Of all days to pick
This must be the worst
I think I feel sick
Did something just burst?
Whoever chose 420 for Wingfest must die
But first I have a mountain of wings to fry.

Friday, April 19, 2024


If only backs were like leaves
Returning fresh and slack
But every working man grieves,
The spring will never be back.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Better than Lint

I have so many poems in my pocket
I don’t know which one to share
Was it proper to overstock it?
The prudent prefer to prepare

With hopes that you like this one
I'll post without delay
Make sure that you don’t miss one,
And share your own, okay?

***Happy Poem in Your Pocket Day!***

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Met a four
At least that’s what she said she was
“Just do what everybody does,
Find the door.”

I said, “Nay
It seems your addition is off
Ignore the ignorant who scoff
Ten all day!”

Math is fun
It can exercise your mind
And it’s better when you find
Two are one.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


You don’t have to be hooked
on something heavy
to throw your life away
your mind can be cooked
by the sickening bevy
of lies labeled truth every day.

Monday, April 15, 2024


I once had time to think and write
When I was in my prime
Staying up through half the night
To think and write. I once had time

For fanciful flights in a fertile mind
Unfettered by the plights
That limit what runways one can find
In a fertile mind for fanciful flights,

But I still try to soar when I can
I didn’t forget how to fly,
Sometimes it’s hard for this also-ran
To soar when I can, but I still try.

Sunday, April 14, 2024


That which we can’t see
Entices us more than the sight
And what we know cannot be
Can haunt us every night

Remember to temper desire
With pinches of practical flux
Or find yourself seared by the fire
That will never be quenched by the crux.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Over the Hump

Anything done for lust
Though kindly seeming, must
End up as a bust
(If you get my thrust).

Friday, April 12, 2024


Everyone has to do their part
To keep this ship afloat
And study the most current chart
To dodge sand bars of note

With every vital station manned
We shouldn’t go ker-plunk
But, if no one lends a hand
We could be sunk.

Thursday, April 11, 2024


Can you be so in touch with the universe
That you feel each decaying atom disperse
Throughout the fabric of all that is—
Or maybe you just have to take a whiz?

Wednesday, April 10, 2024


Everyone wants to go there
But when it’s time to show up
No one does.

A dead end gets you nowhere
While those with purpose grow up.
Wish I was.

Tuesday, April 09, 2024


Beside a crooked crabapple tree
I was blessed to see
The dance between the blossom and the bee

Then, like the distant sun and moon
Whose hug was done too soon
I spiral to my own eccentric tune

And onward everyone proceeds
Performing their appointed deeds
As destiny adroitly leads.

Monday, April 08, 2024


You can block out The Son
But it doesn’t matter if you do
Or how far you run
The light will get through
The darkness undone.

When blackness seems grim
Be warmed by the glow
Of a merciful whim
The Son can bestow
And give all to Him.

Sunday, April 07, 2024


The complexity of the cosmos is no lark
A grand design exists for all to see
But those with feeble eyes are doomed to be
Forever grasping blindly in the dark.

Saturday, April 06, 2024


They said to lead but I never cared
For pacifying people ill prepared
To muddle through morose futility
And still believe that anything can be.

Refusing to administer the lies
I see that I was insolent, not wise
And though the system's just a shoddy sham
I harbor hope because that’s who I am.

Friday, April 05, 2024


The final jubilee
Of such a long span
Is bound to be

A seething can
Of latent energy
To change the world of Man.

Thursday, April 04, 2024

Getting Plowed

The first week of spring
Another frosty fling
Glad elected hacks
Hiked that carbon tax.

Wednesday, April 03, 2024


Can an orange tree grow in New York?
As mentioned, I’m a bit of a dork
But each new leaf
Nurtures belief
Like a bum with a monogrammed fork.

Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Laughing Matters

I chuckled at someone's misfortune
And bad luck belittled me
So I can’t blow it out of proportion
When nettled by his glee.

It’s best to avoid acting petty
We all have rough patches to tread
Stop tossing the caustic confetti
And try being helpful instead.

Monday, April 01, 2024


They can’t copy natural beauty
So made the grotesque seem grand
And those with no concept of duty
To truth give them such a big hand
The war against morals is fully engaged
Beware propaganda that’s overly staged.

Sunday, March 31, 2024


The sun shall rise again
And glorious light will shine
To fill this darkened den
With hints of the divine

It happens every morn
To all women and men
A chance to be reborn
The Son did rise again!

✝️🌹🥀🌺 Happy Easter! 🌻🌷💐✝️

Saturday, March 30, 2024

In the Pocket

You can choose to play or not
The league requires dues
Feel lucky? Take your shot
The tournament ensues.

Friday, March 29, 2024


 I found this dinosaur sized French fry today, I put it on a 10 inch plate to show how big it is, and after testing several samples can definitely confirm it's from the Fry-assic period 🤪

  Ok, sorry I'll go back to poetry now, bye.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Bridge Ahead

Who is steering the ship?
The route seems random at best
Like no one has a good grip
Of the helm as rough waters crest.

Who’s commanding this boat
And ordering it where to head?
Corrections made by those remote
Will sink us quicker than lead.

Who has control of this craft
Are they suffering memory loss?
It appears the captain may be daft
A Rubicon we'll have to cross.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Are they kicking off the apocalypse
On the ominous eclipse?
Before we go any further,
It’s probably another nothing burger.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024


He watched as the great starvation began
And while he wasn’t wise to their plan
He knew that it was about control
Dominion over the human soul
For once the masses felt hunger gnaw
They would submit to any law
But peons still preferred the lies
As perverts plotted their demise.

The oligarchs banned farming first
Then charged a tax to slake your thirst
Creating toxins they called food
They compromised the multitudes
And corpses carted to the bin
Were simply bones draped with skin
Until the few remaining wept—
A future we must not accept.

Monday, March 25, 2024


It’s amazing how it clears after a storm has passed
Blue replacing all the dark clouds that amassed
Birds celebrating that the bright sun is back
Hope emanating into any who may lack.

Sunday, March 24, 2024


Six out seven ain’t bad
If you’re a strong eager lad
But when you’re old it sucks
Just for a couple of bucks
That're gone the very next day
Seems slacking doesn’t pay.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

No Substitutes

The menu can be tempting
Until you’re forced to choose
Between what trust's exempting
And what you stand to lose

Remember, every entrée sizzles
When it’s in the pan
But lack of flavor quickly fizzles
Just as hunger can.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Snow Job

The first day of spring
What did it bring?
Mountains of snow
Global warming you know.

Thursday, March 21, 2024


Sperry the sparrow felt spry
And spotted one special nearby
He approached and gave her a peck
Recoiling she said, “What the heck?!

You really have some nerve,
Stay away from me you perv!
I can’t believe you would dare
Don’t you see all the snow everywhere?”

And then she abruptly flew away
While he thought, guess not today
I’ll wait for spring to truly hit
And hope that it warms a bit.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Rest Assured

The sweetest perk
To honest work?
A bit of sleep
That’s actually deep
Before thoughts lurk
That love to creep.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


The principle of love? First rate!
In action, well, not always great
But such is the devotion of this urge:

It can help remediate
Frustrating thoughts in those who wait
With every giddy sleep depriving surge.

Monday, March 18, 2024


Current mood: Foul
Favorite look — Scowl
Place in life = Slave
Attitude? Grave
Term of service — Long
Faith in God: Strong

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Mix it Up

Once you sell your soul
They have attained control
Their one and only goal:
Complete corruption

Of everything you are
And nothing is too far
Show them you can spar
Demand disruption!

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Deeply Fried

I’ll keep on making your greasy snacks
But I feel that you should know
The harder that cursed whip of yours cracks
The lower my give-a-fuck levels go.

Friday, March 15, 2024


Whenever tranquility is achieved
Its rapid loss is sorely grieved
How much drama can one create?
I’m finding out as of late

And also getting slightly perturbed
For if this nonsense isn’t curbed
Some drastic changes will be made
Beginning with a goodbye parade.

Thursday, March 14, 2024


The cupola is pointed like a Persian palisade
White walls, red roof, meticulously made
I have no idea who built this structure or why
But it always makes me smile whenever I drive by.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


I finally had a freaking day off
So I could recuperate (cough)
But first had dishes to scrub
Then I cooked yummy grub
Which led to the routine
Of scouring utensils clean.
The hamper was piled so high
It looked me square in the eye
But began to slowly erode
Load by tedious load.
In between these joyous jobs
I had to dust (we’re such slobs)
And walk the dogs, feed the cats
I wish I could remove these hats!
I took a day off, whatever for?
Now I’m so dead I need two more.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024


When you hear the word Transparency
You know that someone’s lying
And if they scream Diversity
Your kind is surely dying
Should lazy types chant Equity
Your modest means are taken
And run from Inclusivity
Be smothered or AWAKEN.

Monday, March 11, 2024


The florist around the corner
Made a new arrangement
They found him in the cooler
The bouquet rather fragrant

It laid there right beside his head
A single growing bloom
That was a sickly shade of red
And redolent of doom.

Some don’t share what hurts them
They simply choose to shoot
And endless nagging questions stem
From never knowing the root.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Curtain Call

The swan song is belted off key
Whenever there’s a show
A diva in the first degree
Madame Butterfly has got to go.

Saturday, March 09, 2024

Back to Work

I was giving my brain a break
Now I’m giving it a shake
To see what kind of pithy rhyme I can possibly make

Between my endless chores
I sift through whys and what fors
Searching for a turn of phrase that ultimately soars

So read a line or two
I put them here for all of you
Now pardon me if you please, there’s much I have to do.

Friday, March 08, 2024

Back Door Deal

They told me
You can’t say THIS
So THIS is what I say
It’s clearly
Just an aegis
Free thinkers won’t obey

Write your laws
And make new rules
As much as you can pass
Here’s a clause
For all you fools
Stick them right up your ass!

Thursday, March 07, 2024

💩 Platter

Getting tired of cold defeat
So sickeningly stale
How much more can you eat
Before you seek a pail?
Your banquet isn’t quite the feast
You fancied when you left the east.

Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Bitter Harvest

I try to feel genuine love
For those whom I don’t even like
And pray for the strength from above
When I’d rather be poked with a spike
And I’m not judging anyone
But the querulous I tend to shun.

I struggle to open my heart
With the innocent trust of a child
As I watch the world fall apart
And think if I had only just smiled
perhaps there wouldn’t be a foe

I'm reaping what I chose to sow.

Tuesday, March 05, 2024


This coffee is as bitter
As my sins must be to you
Forgive this lowly critter
I’ll try to be more true

A well-intentioned slacker
With nothing much to show
Whose heart is sometimes blacker
Than this steaming cup of joe

I shall forego consuming
Until I cleanse my mind
And remember once resuming
How quickly I declined.

Monday, March 04, 2024


The rain of spring has just begun
Before the coronation
When we see the moon and sun
Get equal adulation
Although the mud is not much fun
Let’s join the celebration
The reign of Spring has just begun.

Sunday, March 03, 2024

🐒 Business

If I can hear it
I can play it
If I can think it
Should I say it?

If I can see it
I can wing it
Feel you own it?
Better bring it!

If I can taste it
I can stew it
Never waste it
Simply do it.

Saturday, March 02, 2024

You Were Warned

Here’s a little PSA:
Don’t eat good gummies during the day
And for those who just don’t give a crap
Enjoy your nap.

Friday, March 01, 2024

To Order

When a ticket says add salt to fries
It kind of implies
My salinity is not up to snuff
When serving to Fred
I think in my head
Choke, is that salty enough?

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Forced March

Whenever I leap I land afoul
Of all my desires somehow
I'm done wanting anything *scowl*

I’ll simply write my lines each day
Just like I do now
Oblivious to hints of May.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


It's better when you have a smaller hole
much easier to clean and control
now exit the gutter please
I'm talking about a bag of pretzel cheese.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024


At times a pause is final
To eliminate the hiss
Of unrelenting vinyl
Which cancels out all bliss

The thing with negativity
When blasted without cease
The chances of fidelity
Will suddenly decrease.

Monday, February 26, 2024


The moon is entangled in box elder branches
Loses momentum and bashfully blanches
But then wriggles free with a little assist
From a big shot with pull that’s hard to resist.

Sunday, February 25, 2024


They put on airs
But no one cares
You spill your heart
To vacant stares

So don’t impart
How much you smart
Your own affairs
Are yours to chart.

Saturday, February 24, 2024


When every nerve Is firing
With tingles you can’t tame
And all throughout your wiring
The signal is the same
And you begin perspiring
Like a lover caught mid-squeal
That, for those inquiring
Is how singing makes me feel .

Friday, February 23, 2024


Will something roll if it’s flat?
It matters where it’s at
Anything can spiral if you find
It’s so inclined.

Thursday, February 22, 2024



Triple deuce

Turn up the juice

And let some rocking music loose


The tubes are hot

So take your shot

And play with everything you’ve got!

Wednesday, February 21, 2024


A typical type of day
For one with little to say,
So little that they in fact
Began a blog that’s packed
With thoughts they couldn’t relay
A typical type of day.

A typical type of life
Confounded by chaos and strife
Can make one more prone to express
Their feeble attempts to finesse
The dance on the edge of a knife
A typical type of life.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024


Let this be my opus:
Don't give up hope-us!

Monday, February 19, 2024

Going the Distance

Can space make you happy?
I guess it depends
On if you get sappy
When you lose all your friends.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Cure All

Less than ideal?
Accept the real
To be improved
Can hearts be moved?

More than morose?
You just need a dose
Of love to negate
The cancer called hate.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Iron Scribe

Take the fare you’re forced to use
Chop it, mix it, light the fuse
Until you see the people glom
Because you made a flavor bomb.

Friday, February 16, 2024


My tiny chihuahua
Loves to romp in the snow
But headed for Guadalajara
When winter winds began to blow
I never saw him run as fast
As when he faced that arctic blast.

Thursday, February 15, 2024


Face to face with my silhouette
A shadow of regret
Confronts me in the mirror every night
Perhaps I could begin to see
A less reflective me
By properly utilizing the light.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024


A bluebird sang from somewhere in the trees
I answered back, the whistles grouped in threes
It landed in a maple tall and stout
To see what I was all about
I think it contemplated jamming out
Until I scared it off with one big sneeze.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Recorded History

For those who think we've come so far—
Nothing’s really changed,
The thing is: most recordings are
Professionally arranged.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Touch Up

How much gray can I eliminate
Before I just exacerbate
The dissonance that seems to be
Debilitating me?

When dying, it’s best to be contrite
For maybe it will expedite
Release of your soul from this place
So you can grasp at grace.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

At Odds

The game is played
Bets are made
Who commands the masquerade?

Believe the leads
And scripted deeds
You face defeat. The game proceeds.

Saturday, February 10, 2024


Life’s a test
Just do your best
To fumble through futility fest

You’ll never buff
Out every scuff
But is trying to be a good person enough?

Probably not
What else you got?
At least you took some kind of a shot.

Friday, February 09, 2024


I pray every day God ends their reign
But some things must be, so it’s in vain
And as more of the truth is horrendously slain
I plead for the presence to simply stay sane.

Thursday, February 08, 2024

Over It

Every now and then it hits me
And there’s nothing I can do
But ride it out until my little
Pissy mood is through

And though there’s much to keep me miffed
I have a trick that I employ—
To stop and take into account
The many blessings I enjoy.

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Appetite Control

A cardinal, squirrel and a crow
Are all in the sumac tree
Eyeing stale bread from me
Waiting for the cat to go
It’s prowling somewhere on the lawn
Or every crumb would be long gone.

Tuesday, February 06, 2024


The herds gather up with abandon
To pick the least obvious shill
Stampeded into a box canyon
Nicely set up for the kill

Resist the instinct to follow
If their lips are moving they lie
Impassioned by words that are hollow
The gullible gaggle and die.

Monday, February 05, 2024


Fifteen years ago I grieved
And felt increasingly lost
The system had belittled
Demoralized and whittled
Away what I believed
Caring wasn’t worth the cost

But then you came along
My exuberant little boy
And sparked regeneration
Of the wonder in creation
For love, when it is strong
Replaces pain with joy.

Sunday, February 04, 2024

Tender Heart


A rough exterior hides

Your gentleness so well

That most believe you’re mean


But I think I can tell

From caring looks I’ve seen

How a loving soul resides


Somewhere in between

The protein that abides

Within that jagged shell.


Actual chicken tender served for an order during a huge pool tournament yesterday 🐔

Saturday, February 03, 2024


The gloomy skies begin to clear
As the star-studded veneer
Of the firmament coruscates on high

The universe remains unknown
Despite its implications shown
In hopeful glimpses, prompting one long sigh.

Friday, February 02, 2024

Support System

If I don’t do it
It don’t get done
Should I say Screw it
Turn tail and run?
There’s much more to it
I refuse to shun
And will get through it
Because The Son.

Thursday, February 01, 2024


Outcomes I don’t prefer
Most rapidly occur
And things I wish to be
Never see reality

But I’m not a bitter man
Just part of a plan
More intricate than mine
Can’t buck the divine.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024


When you don’t have the strength to respond
Will they think that you’re feeling maligned
Or maybe that you’re not too fond
Of your fellow humankind?
You’re much too tapped to play nice
Gratuity not included in the price.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


I crave routine with no schedule
If that makes any sense
And non-religious ritual
To strengthen my defense
Though error is eventual
I know I’m sounding dense

Confounded by contradictions
That complicate the test
I contemplate what situations
In which I should invest
And eliminating expectations
Is always best.

Monday, January 29, 2024


A falcon harassed by some crows
Flew faster than you may suppose
Predation seems viable some say
That is until they are the prey.

Sunday, January 28, 2024


The satisfying crunch of snow
That packs beneath my feet
Doesn’t quite drown out the crow
That’s yakking down the street.
What it says? I’ll never know,
A murder tends to be discreet.

Saturday, January 27, 2024


I'd conjure shoes
Of buttery hide
A mage would use
But my tongue is tied

Not quite enough
That I can’t feel,
I may be gruff
But not a heel

Perhaps you'd be
Less forlorn
If you lend to me
The shoes you’ve worn.


There’s a little known area
Called the Hunu
Which I wasn’t aware – a
Were you?

Friday, January 26, 2024

Half Full

You never planned
To work so much
The cook was canned
And prices are such
That you can use the bread right now
Despite the pain you disavow

The grill is hot
And free of grease
You are not
And as for peace
It’s how you view the glass you know
Unlike your tank, which is getting low.

Thursday, January 25, 2024


I get twenty five burgers from a tube
But what if it came in a cube?
Ten pounds is ten pounds either way
I'm hungry for beefier pay.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


Despite a train
The crows remain
I sneeze and cough
They all take off
An ebon cloud
That seems to shroud
The sky from sight
But no gesundheit.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024


I tried to go double
But ran into trouble
The moment I had to attend

To the tedious matters
Of living on tatters
With limited ticks to expend

If there’s stuff I can’t table
I’ll do more when able—
Adjustment, my only true friend.

Monday, January 22, 2024


The reckoning approaches
As darkness encroaches
Like black winged scavengers borne
From turbulent shadows
That creep across meadows
This chilly and ominous morn

The mood is unsettled
When endlessly nettled
By loss to the fiends we allow
To sit in high places
And judge with smug faces
We must demand recompense now!

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Food for Thought

While working in the kitchen
My mind
Will pick on existence like
A rind
And feast upon whatever flesh
I find.

Saturday, January 20, 2024


The equity you crave
Cannot be decreed
So step right up and earn

The rights no one should waive,
Contribute to succeed—
It really isn’t all that hard to learn.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Down to Earth

She was in the geology field
They called her very grounded
Her fertile mind was in a different place
For once the evening sky revealed
The stars, she was astounded
And dreamed of fossil hunting out in space:

Imagining a cratered moon
Or asteroid in passing
Guiding probes to sift through dirt and stone
Beneath a crystal studded dune
And carefully amassing
The goods to prove we've never been alone.


I'm trying to type but my thumb
Has gone completely numb
I thought global warming was here
Now how will they foster fear?
Beware the narratives they spin
Which find a way to suck you in.

Thursday, January 18, 2024


A structure isn’t always that
Which time proceeds to fell
Sometimes it’s a habitat
For those who like to dwell

And other times it helps connect
The distant or estranged,
For every causeway left erect
Direction can be changed

Every girder, every bolt
And every white-hot spark
That comes from a constructive jolt
Is a life transforming arc.


Did you ever turn on the cold
And wait for it to get hot?
Well unfortunately, like me
Your brain may be shot

I wish that I could tell you
That some remedies exist
Trust me, I’d be one of the first
On the waiting list.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024


A brand new age is only years away
The one behind the scenes was heard to say
So spoiled it believed itself divine
In search of weaker types on which to dine.

It echoed in his mind, a tape on play
A brand new age is only years away
This politician had a speech to give
Instructing all the sheep how they must live.

The anchor woman stared into the lens
To reinforce the script to docile citizens
A brand new age is only years away
Are those who trust so easy to betray?

The average person watching their TV
Must question everything they hear and see
If people make the perpetrators pay
A brand new age is only years away.


Annoyingly piercing
Or piercingly annoying?
Either way it sounds like something
You won’t be enjoying.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Oh Balls

Survival is a multitask
You do it or you don’t
And you may get help if you ask
But oftentimes you won’t

So learn to be a juggler
Or life’s a trying span
If not, perhaps a snuggler
And find someone who can.

When you fancy round numbers
And your fervor's wholehearted
You may forego slumbers
For one where you started.

***Well, as you can see from my archives to the right, my 20th anniversary of blogging here will be next year. I am rapidly approaching 4000 posts and would love to hit 5000 on November 17th 2025. Since I took a break for a while from daily posting, the only way to achieve that is multiple posts in one day. The question is, can I keep up that pace? Stay tuned!***

Monday, January 15, 2024


Is anything real on the internet?
Well here’s one truth on which you can bet
The ardor that prompted these words to flow
Is not a hoax or innuendo

It streams from somewhere deep inside
Transmitted through every nucleotide
Creative content without a price
From my cell straight to your device.

Sunday, January 14, 2024


I have moral superiority,
I don’t need brakes
According to the television
I never make mistakes
All I have to do is just
repeat whatever they say
So take your bumper and go boomer
You’re ruining my day.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Raise the Bar

If your soapy isn’t sudsy
It just may be a dudzy
Forgive me for the trouble
If I’ve gone and burst your bubble
Perhaps some rubzy dubzy
Could make your lather double.

Friday, January 12, 2024


The song of a bird
In the morning, when heard,
Is that what first stirred
The need to be free,

Was it wind in the hair
Or a burst of fresh air?
I think it’s quite fair
To say maybe all three.

Thursday, January 11, 2024


“Oh no, not the rain!”
He gasped as he began to feign
Paroxysms of pain
A truly Oscar worthy bit

Her eyes became grim
Looking sternly over the rim
Of her glasses at him
“Hilarious you little shit!”

Then he took her hand
While smiling at the reprimand
No surface dwellers understand
When love becomes legit.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


You gave me
The best of you
A sapling tree
That only grew

Well or ill
Good and bad
You loved me still
Happy birthday Dad!

Tuesday, January 09, 2024


What do you think is odder
Using failure for fodder
Or satire as solder?

As long as someone’s reading
I'm fine with conceding
(don’t make me start pleading).

Monday, January 08, 2024

Way to Go

If you view life as an adventure
You can’t wait for the next chapter
Where you’ll go
Who you’ll know
While chasing what you’re after

The mundane turns fulfilling
That is if you are willing
Take your shot
Fill your plot
With a climax extra thrilling.

Sunday, January 07, 2024


Foolish old men
Should never think young
Or say, Well, back then…
If they hate being stung

By the candor of youth
That flows so carefree
Revealing the truth
For those who won’t see

The sucker beheld
In the mirror each morn—
Delusions dispelled
By reflections of scorn.

Saturday, January 06, 2024


Does coffee fuel compromise?
He pondered watching ringlets rise
Above his steaming cup of brew
Maybe in a sip or two

Though bitterness can complicate
A chance for people to relate
Enjoy your quibbles and caffeine
With one you love, know what I mean?

Friday, January 05, 2024


New year
Same old temptations
One beer
Absolves reservations
So near
The best of situations:
No fear
Or expectations.

Thursday, January 04, 2024


When rinsing out the color just applied
I laugh about the depth of human pride
Disguising what took decades to accrue
In hopes that someone says, “Well look at you!”

Wednesday, January 03, 2024


It takes you to another place
A long forgotten time
To get you past the droning signature lag
An interval of lilting grace
Beyond the grief and grime
A shortcut to escape the latest snag

Conveying sentimental souls
Through dark uneven ways
A portal to that lost idyllic Then
You touch the radio controls
Remembering that blaze
The span you wish you could traverse again.

Tuesday, January 02, 2024


A peacock is a flamboyant flamingo
Or so I heard somebody say
And my dog most resembles a dingo
When he eyes me in that hungry way.

Monday, January 01, 2024


As the new year began
He pondered his course
A reticent man
Well versed in remorse
But never a plan

For such involved trust
To help counteract
The setbacks that must
Perplex such a pact
And his faith was just

So-so as of late
Existence had been
Much harder to date
Than way back when
But hope was innate

And as the sun rose
He shielded his eyes
And said, “Who knows
if it’s foolish or wise?
We'll see how it goes.”