Tuesday, April 16, 2013


She raised us very well
until things went to hell
and then we had to do the best we could
surviving on the street
and scrounging scraps to eat
while doing things that no one ever should.

The truth was too obscene
our teddy bears turned mean
and so did we in order to get by
while she became more dead
just lying in that bed
her only consolation getting high--

abandonment is hard
there is no Hallmark card
requesting grace for any damage done
I simply couldn't stay
so like a coward ran away,
but should've tried to be a better son.


Lisa A. Williams said...

This is such a powerful poem and your last line tells the story of many who think if they had been "better", they many have been able to save their parents,something no child can do. Very well written!

Fida Islaih said...

Wow! I agree with the above commenter, this is powerful! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Excellent poem. You said a lot for such a few lines. Awesome! Great post.

Marja said...

No you've couldn't and shouldn't have done better An absolute awesome poem

rch said...

I know she had to follow her own path but I definitely could have been more supportive, if only I hadn't distanced myself from her towards the end perhaps I wouldn't feel like such a heel, all I can do at this point is try to learn from my mistakes and pray for her soul to be at peace. Thanks for these comments, I really appreciate them :-)

Donna Smith said...

We always feel like we could have been more supportive. But we are only wee. While you are praying for her soul to be at peace, pray that yours finds peace also. I will.

rch said...

Hey Donna, that is something I've prayed for most of my life, poetry gets me closer than anything else, must be why I write so much, thanks my friend.