At any rate today I’m going to have some Chicken and Rice soup with my lunch mate (which I made from scratch yesterday) and it got me to thinking about those inspirational books titled after this deliciously steaming concoction, so here’s a yummy treat that I was lucky enough to be served recently.

Regular readers may have seen posts concerning my grandson whom I love dearly. As mentioned before he isn’t my biological grandson as I’ve never had kids, but truly do feel that bond with him that goes beyond any connection blood could ever bestow. It’s kind of strange because I never knew either of my real Grandfathers. One died in WW 2 and the other had absolutely no dealings whatsoever with my Dad. Both Grandmothers were with men, my maternal with Frank, someone that was a wonderfully kind and talented person, and my paternal lived with and cared for an aging gent named Nick who was also quite nice. They were both great guys but I never did click with either in that classic male role model way.
So fast forward to this last weekend, we just closed the diner for the day and Westin says “Papa, get out your guitar and let’s jam.” Now mind you this kid is only 3 but loves music like crazy. He watches that new boy-band show Big Time Rush, and while I’m not a fan, they recently covered some Beatles tunes so they’re not all bad I guess.
Westin and I sat on the couch in the back, me strumming, both of us belting out-
Life is very short and there’s no time
For fussing and fighting my friend
I have always thought that it’s a crime
So I will ask you once again
I wish you could have heard his little voice singing right in key, my wife stood there with her mouth open in awe, I just laughed. Then I said, “Hey check this one out buddy.” I figured I’d drop a little Neil Young on him as I’m always telling him how old I am, so I started singing Old Man (because I got to sing it to my Dad once – see pic below– and it’s a special song to me) then I hit the chorus-

Old Man take a look at my life I’m a lot like you
I need someone to love me the whole day through
Then Westin shakes my leg until I stop and serious as can be says, “But I love you Papa, I love you.”
I don’t think I’ve ever appreciated that song more.
what a cute and lovable kid. Bet he makes your heart sing.
Great A-Z post!
Wow he is really talented and wise and only at three, sure he has a bright future. Such a nice story.
How adorable! What a great post.
he must be a prodigy---loved your post
Thank you for sharing such a lovely story with us :) I think children are the best teachers on loving without conditions. Great post & thanks again!
I love this post! Well Done~
He is adorable...
My heart strings so loved this tale.
Great photo of you n' your Dad!
My Dad liked his song...
Wonderful, so glad you shared! :D
A poppet and no mistake. Every blessing on the both of you.
Wow! He's grown so much and is still just as adorable as ever. You are truly blessed to have him in your life. On the other hand, he is blessed to have you in his life as well. I love your prose. :)
Isn't he wonderful, what a blessing, thanks everybody.
What a beautiful response. Great post!
This was a beautiful poignant post, you are a wonderful parent.
This is a wonderful and warm hearted post Bob! Your love of music seems to be passing to your Grandson. 8 of my grandchildren are not biological either, but it is true how relationships do not have to be biological to be strong and beautiful! Westin is adorable!!!
Great post, Bob. We can learn from children.
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