The darkened room was brimming full of kin
impatient to emphatically partake
and gobble down a piece of flaming cake
which glowed as much as Dad’s contented grin.
We sang the song that everybody sings
with love to either Grandpa, Dad, or Bill
then greedily inhaled our frosted fill
while savoring the succor kinship brings.
At last we had to brave the frigid night
and stood outside beneath a brilliant moon,
it seemed the time to part came much too soon
which prompted us to gauge the stars in sight—
Orion sparkled brightly in the sky
reminding us to never say goodbye.
impatient to emphatically partake
and gobble down a piece of flaming cake
which glowed as much as Dad’s contented grin.
We sang the song that everybody sings
with love to either Grandpa, Dad, or Bill
then greedily inhaled our frosted fill
while savoring the succor kinship brings.
At last we had to brave the frigid night
and stood outside beneath a brilliant moon,
it seemed the time to part came much too soon
which prompted us to gauge the stars in sight—
Orion sparkled brightly in the sky
reminding us to never say goodbye.
***Happy Birthday Dad!***
We did the candle thing yesterday as well for my daughter's birthday. Happy Birthday Bob's Dad! What a beautiful message!
Thanks Shirley Happy B-day to your daughter as well.
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