Thursday, January 18, 2024


A structure isn’t always that
Which time proceeds to fell
Sometimes it’s a habitat
For those who like to dwell

And other times it helps connect
The distant or estranged,
For every causeway left erect
Direction can be changed

Every girder, every bolt
And every white-hot spark
That comes from a constructive jolt
Is a life transforming arc.


Sherry Blue Sky said...

I love the reinforcement that direction can always be changed. ("War is over if you want it.") And love the jolt into a life transforming arc. So needed, personally and globally these days. Lovely to read you, kiddo.

rch said...

Well thanks for letting me know about the site. I enjoy the challenges and reading all the creative offerings. I hope this doesn't sound cringey but you're the best Sherry!

Sumana Roy said...

"And other times it helps connect / The distant or estranged,"....I think this connecting part is what every relation, happiness stands for. Beautifully said. Nice to see you.

Eileen T O'Neill ..... said...

Great to reconnect with you here, after Poets United.
Your poem covers many aspects of distance, desire, perspective and connectivity. Loved "life transforming arc."..

Susan said...

All the lines of this poem moved me, it's hard to pick one or two. I love it! Remembering/relearning that a structure is a habitat, a connection, and, indeed, constructive jolts in the building are "life transforming arcs."

Mary said...

I especially like the idea that it can help connect the distanced or estranged....and the idea that direction CAN be changed! You were inspired, and really nailed it in this poem!

Fireblossom said...

It certainly can be, can't it?

rch said...

Hey everyone thanks for connecting 😉