Tuesday, August 07, 2018


“I used to live in the sunlight.” She pined,
Her ashen features deeply lined
A recluse in a knitted shawl
Just watching dusty shadows crawl
Across the creaky wooden floor
While haunted eyes kept checking the door
For signs of someone come to call.

The visitor came suddenly it seemed
“Go AWAY!” the woman screamed
“If I refuse to let you gain
A foothold into my domain
You can’t perform your grisly task.”
And then a gentle voice said “All I ask
Is a chance to take away your pain.”

This statement made her stop and think
Until at last she toed the brink
Of the doorway where she chose to speak
“I have been feeling rather bleak.”
And then she cracked the door a bit
Oh, just enough for one to fit
When golden rays caressed her cheek.

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