Saturday, August 31, 2024

4000 Posts

The 4000th post?
I know it’s not much
But I cleared out a decent sized spot,
Forgive the small boast,
My failure is such
That I over protect what I’ve got.

But do look around
I try to provide
An otherwise overlooked view
For life is profound
And we must have a wide
Perspective to see something new

At times I must go
A bit farther out
To find unique items to add
Where fresh forests grow
And rare species sprout,
I’m sure some consider me mad,

For off in the sky
I constantly see
Dark shapes in a hypnotic gyre,
Far beyond spry
Are they waiting for me
To falter when I finally tire?

Friday, August 30, 2024

Sold Out

The more appetites you face
The quicker the pace
Of your descent
Away from grace

The lower your supply
The less you satisfy
Those who won’t relent
And beg to buy

Success is always planned
It’s painful to expand
The more effort spent
The more demand.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Double Dippers

We know what they allow us to know
About the construct we inhabit
For a glimpse of the truth you’ve got to go
In search of a little white rabbit
Where snobs who snub the common folk
Will slurp their marrow down like yolk.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


A truck went by and mooed
It gave me a bit of a scare
I thought that it was kind of rude
Until I saw a tail in the air,
It was just a local farmer dude
Bringing livestock to the fair
Where we will spend an interlude
Away from civilized despair.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Resiliency cannot be gaged
By how you fare when war is waged
But how you live when those who preach
Of peace extend their overreach.

Monday, August 26, 2024


There are trees and there are rocks
And sometimes one politely mocks
The other over thoughts revealed
And silence overtakes the field
(As stones can take it in large blocks).

But soon, in rustic wilderness
So many noises coalesce
That you can’t help but join right in
Though stones aren’t very vocal *grin*
This one dulls of loneliness.

Sunday, August 25, 2024


We’ve all been trained to accept
That whatever the system presents
Is the best of options for us

So most ignore the many dents
In the story over which they fuss
And view their words as laws that must be kept

But broken trust is much like puss
And festers when caused by the inept,
It’s time to drain the wound, so it relents.

Saturday, August 24, 2024


Though it’s a hoodie, not a dress
Yellow highlights your loveliness
More radiant than the morning sun
Admired by this dismal one
And like the sun, despite how I beseech
You shall be forever out of reach
Two bodies who have never met
As close as they are ever bound to get.

Friday, August 23, 2024


I’m opting out of the experiment
You’ve studied my brain enough
Is my attitude an impediment?
It's hard to gaslight the gruff

How sickly sweet can they make it?
It seems we are doomed to see
Whatever transpires they’ll fake it
And the mindless will line up with glee.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Not Getting It

Without a container
You can’t have to-go
The only no-brainer?
Those who say So?

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


If you can start
Right from the heart
You can imbue
All that you do
With passion that’s pure
Enough to endure

But, if instead
You follow your head
Your fanciful flight
Just may excite
Another to think
Before the big brink.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Each generation removed
Screams louder for things to be proved
Before they’ll believe traditions they were told
But once the earth starts to shake
They’ll see that the only thing fake
Are those who said cancel the ways of the old.

Monday, August 19, 2024


The blue ones are raucous
Demanding their share
A self centered caucus
Overtly unfair

The red are less rowdy
And try to maintain
Demeanors so dowdy
Compliance is plain

If only the martial
Could just learn to be
Much more impartial
We all could be free.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

By The Book

I’m feeling slightly pensive
And somewhat apprehensive
Before the drama starts
I must go on the offensive

There is no clear objective
But the prudent are selective
And know within their hearts
To heed the gold directive.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Buzzkill 🪰

A mayfly flew around my head
But landed on a bush instead
I said, “It’s August, you’re kinda late.”
It buzzed, “That’s cute, let’s not debate.
Winter’s coming, I’ve much to do,
least of which is chatting with you,
you’re a human, so of course you would
assume it’s seasonal, not just could.
And now I must be on my way
please stop pestering me, good day!”
I chuckled, though he looked quite grim,
As I thought to myself what’s bugging him?

Friday, August 16, 2024

Shake it Up

Lately I’ve been feeling, well, inert
I smash my hand, it doesn’t seem to hurt
I suffer loss, but my eyes refuse to squirt

It began with the suspension of belief
And no solution could dissolve the beef
The reaction was intense, but very brief

Ideal conditions aren’t required to thrive
By utilizing variables the viable survive
An element of chance can remind one they’re alive.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Not in the Club

I’ve always been a fan of Moorcock
But not saying such aloud
Some just stare in mild shock
While others gasp, quite wowed—
Those who have achieved acclaim
Should sometimes choose another name.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Too Dark?

Four big mushrooms in a line
On the side of my house where the sun won’t shine
I swear they weren’t there yesterday
A little shade and fun guys prey.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Night She Wore the Yellow Dress

The more beautiful the bloom
The more one longs to hold
Soft petals in their hand

To breathe sweet perfume
That smells both shy and bold
And dream of grand romance few understand.

Monday, August 12, 2024


Have you ever known anyone rich
Who didn’t love their cash
More than their latest pitch?
Forgive me for being brash

But when was the last time
You got something free of cost?
If questioning becomes a crime
That is when we’ve truly lost.

Sunday, August 11, 2024


They want
Whatever isn’t prepped
They take
The stuff you should’ve schlepped
They moan
When things aren’t nice and plain
They seem
To feed upon your pain.

Saturday, August 10, 2024


Cicadas serenade me as summer simmers down
And tantalizing hints of fall begin to tinge this town
Oblivious observers overlook what comes to be
As summer simmers down, cicadas sing to me

The timid creatures congregate to take what is proffered
A picky poet tries to place the most expressive word
If you squander freedom you may realize too late
To take what is proffered, the timid congregate.

Friday, August 09, 2024

Brown Out

These lips are allergic to cheek
And will never kiss up (so to speak)
Like rats who would soil their beak
On their boss’s residual streak.

Thursday, August 08, 2024


I’m always off by one
It’s never a perfect match
This imprecision isn’t fun
It’s just another scratch

I’m always one away
Not two or three or four
Near misses bring about dismay
And make me want it more

Today I shot for eight
But ended up with nine
A win would be so great
Someday it will be mine.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024


Debby came calling
Her eye looked appalling
And as we expected, she couldn’t stop bawling

The lawn needed rinsing
But we started wincing
The front she established was less-than-convincing.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024


Simulation or simulacrum?
They’d never lie, just ask ‘em
And once you find your answer They
Will tell you it’s the other way

The overlords that run this plane
Are anxious to dissect your brain
As you inform them what you like
They crucify you with each spike

What're the odds that They will be
Magnanimous and full of glee?
I'm sure there’s no agenda *cough*
But the ratio seems slightly off.

Monday, August 05, 2024


Primal passions percolate
Foes of fashion can’t relate
Gaudy garments goad your greed
Décolletage delights indeed
Bashful banter brings about
Optic orbs that pop out
Eager expectations espoused
Animalistic urge aroused.

Sunday, August 04, 2024

No Big Loss

To the rich we are slaves, nothing more
Sometimes it’s good to be poor
You’re much less inclined to be sore
When indices crash through the floor.

Saturday, August 03, 2024


Gracula the grackle
Let loose a strident cackle,
He eyed the cat food greedily
And danced about so needily
That I began to sprinkle
The lawn with bread quite speedily.

Friday, August 02, 2024


Just looking around
I seem to have found
Three red rocks in a row on the ground

Now what I’ll do
Is search for a few
Examples of stones that are green or blue

If you’re ever bored
Just scrounge through the hoard
Of beauty that is to seek your reward.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Fair Play

If you’re going to pounce
Give every ounce
Or feast on dismay
When you become prey.