Friday, January 16, 2015


Your distant coldness
and stony silence
underscore the sky
with brilliant observations
(unless you're feeling shy
and cloak yourself in shadow
that we readily supply)
but soon you will turn bloody
when we happen to align
a sign we can't deny
of judgment from on high.


Anonymous said...

uplifting to us,
a warm read.

rch said...

Thanks again, great to see the rally back!

Anonymous said...

beyond average poem.
well done.


Anonymous said...

life comes in full circles,
at times we are hit unexpectedly,
with strength and wisdom,
we can still see hope and smile.

Anonymous said...

shyness and open mindedness are both applicable to all of us.

beautiful imagery.

marit said...

I agree with Layne -- beyond average :)

Anonymous said...

apt verse.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


rch said...

Hey I'm a curious kind of guy and was wondering why most comment makers have like 5 or 6 somewhat unusual names and why their profiles are linked to the same pages?

Other than that thanks a lot, haven't had many comments lately.

Anonymous said...

First two lines were captivating enough that I had to read 'til the end. Ah sky and silence.

You might also want to read my piece for Thursday poets rally!
