Monday, September 16, 2024


When you try to be poetic
But come off as pathetic
Maybe you should simply shut your face
There’s nothing more trashy
Than trying to be flashy
So knock it off and clearly state your case.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Duly Noted

When you’re a cooking man
You’ve got to do things when you can
You can’t wait for orders to stop
You’ve got to cook and chop

And thus it is when you write
But your memory has taken flight
You must scribble when it hits
Or you’ll forever rack your wits.

Saturday, September 14, 2024


Are you really what you seem
Or just another forlorn dream
That ends the second it’s believed?
The lonely are the most deceived.

Friday, September 13, 2024


The pro was feared
He rarely missed
Impeccable and stout

The novice jeered
And lightly hissed
Impatient for some clout

The bettors seared
Their bookie's fist
The epic match played out.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

One Sweet Night

I long to feel the satin touch
Of a nubile woman’s skin
Massaging her whole frame with such
Desire that our senses spin

I need to melt in her embrace
And shiver with delight
All pain removed without a trace
At least for one sweet night.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Nothing's real
There’s no feel
Endless lies
The integrity
Of all we see
Including steel
Nothing’s real.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Like a strand of silk in the light of the sun
She shimmered as she was spun
Ethereal and lighter than air
No music? She didn’t care

He watched her waft around with ease
Just like that silk on a summer breeze
And as love seeped from every pore
He prayed for a few heartbeats more.

Monday, September 09, 2024


Don’t let the end of summer stunt your growth
Extend your limbs straight up to capture light
And also spread those roots, if you do both
You’re likely to ascend right out of sight.

Sunday, September 08, 2024


Should I envy or pity
The ultra convinced?
You need not be witty
To see ‘facts’ are minced

It’s all so confusing
Perhaps by design
And often amusing
When malcontents whine.

Nothing is certain
So why get upset?
Behind the curtain
The stage has been set,

Utopias crumble
If they happen at all,
When principles tumble
We’ve started the fall.

Saturday, September 07, 2024


Tooth by tooth
We lose our youth
Lie by lie
We say goodbye
To the truth

Tear by tear
Dreams disappear
Hair by hair
We learn to care
And shed fear.

Friday, September 06, 2024

Costly Education

Virtue doesn’t pay
Unless you’re the creep
That cashed in today
When someone was asleep
In a comfy bubble of mutual trust
You couldn’t wait to bust.

Thursday, September 05, 2024


The sentence was read
As pupils went blank
(for a period, dead)
Then defeatedly sank

A lesson was learned
The subject was class
When spacing is spurned
You don’t get a pass.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Igneous Ignoramus

Within the crystalline structure of a rock
Is a matrix we must learn to unlock
If we ever want to be completely free
But I am just a stone, so don’t ask me.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024


Does art draw your eye
Will music play a role
In helping find out why
Creation stirs the soul?

Monday, September 02, 2024


My nails are rough, they’re cracked and chipped
But that’s how working hands are tipped
My back is sore, it creaks and pops
Because commitment never stops
This heart is full and mind serene
All burdens borne by The Nazarene.

Sunday, September 01, 2024


The heroes are falling one by one
Their axes no longer kill
Those drums of War are all but done
The arena cold and still

The heroes are falling, take a knee
Let's give them accolades
They’re leaving quite a legacy
For greatness never fades.