Monday, May 08, 2006

Grin & Bear It :^)

**Author's note: Penned after my last anal, I mean annual review at work. May not be suitable for younger readers.**

Instruct me how to see the light
and thank you for the f***in’
it’s easy to extol delight
when you’re the one who’s buckin’
I shut my trap extremely tight
to stop myself from cluckin’
and smile when it’s done despite
the object you just stuck in.


  1. A situation so terrifying
    needs a little rectifying
    But seems theres nothing can be done
    to make such probing lots of fun
    At least you smiled and didnt sob
    I hopes you gets to keep your job.

    (well what'd you expect?)

  2. PS What kind of job requires that much info?? Extra for Southpark perhaps. It surely wouldn't pass muster here.

  3. sorry, just venting! 8^P

    sometimes I feel like I'm on that show btw!

    Thanks Glenn

    ps love the poem

  4. Oh, the joys of work!

    : )

    Hang in there!
