Sunday, January 25, 2015


A person's charity can drain their shares
but cheerfully they float another round,
as long as they are buying no one cares;

in fact, you'll find there are no empty chairs
whenever someone generous is found.
A person's charity can drain their shares

and make their credit rating need repairs
while everybody else's ills are drowned,
as long as they are buying no on cares

about a benefactor's vexed affairs
with endless foamy glasses neatly downed;
a person's charity can drain their shares

and ruin their good name (there are no spares)
but moochers aren't concerned if someone's sound,
as long as they are buying no one cares

if detrimental deficit impairs
another's chance to pay their fleshy pound;
a person's charity can drain their shares,
as long as they are buying no one cares.

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