Friday, May 03, 2013


The last in line
may miss the mine
but has to see the bodies strewn
the remnants of each ruptured rune
that wetly shine.

The last in line
doesn't need a sign
they'll see the characters that led
dismembered by whomever read
the columns we confine.

The last in line
may find it hard to dine
remembering the sacrifice
of those that paid the graphic price
to serve design.

***Dedicated to all my fellow A-Zers that successfully accomplished the mission and a Prose-idential Medal of Creative Honor to an old friend from last year - Donna at Mainly Write and a new friend from this year - Nick at Scattergun Scribblings both of which are in my links, check them out, they are truly original, see you next year ;-)***


  1. Congrats on finishing the challenge. You have a way with words. I'm still making my way through the linky's even as it's May, finding interesting blogs.

    Oozing Out My Ears

  2. Thanks Sandy, same to you, it was fun and challenging. This poem was started as my Z poem but became something else so I used it for my tribute poem. I will definitely stop by your blog, have a great day.
