Sunday, January 27, 2013

Breaking News

Each day her smiling perky face
revives my TV screen
reminding us to bundle up
and keep our sidewalks clean

but as she talked today she told
a most disturbing tale
of homeless people on the street
where vicious winds prevail.

How two lost souls were lying down
in nothing but a coat
and how she dialed 911
a lump within her throat

and then she told us how the pair
refused all gestures made
exclaiming they could hold their own
without a bit of aid

they said that they were gone to find
a less congested spot
then trudged away into the snow
without a second thought.

The reporter droned but in her eyes
was pain she couldn't hide
I listened to her spiel nonplussed
and then switched off and cried.


  1. Oh, this is a hard poem. You wrote it SO well! What a difficult experience for this reporter to witness; and I understand why you turned off the television and cried. It truly is sad when people do not want help despite the horrible weather conditions outside this time of year. One can just hope that somewhere these people did find their shelter, that they and others survive without the help they turned away

  2. Oh this is so sad. Wonderfully told.

  3. To see the reporter touched by the situation and to narrate these to us is a moving one ~ Sad to see these homeless folks ~

    A lovely share, thank you ~

  4. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Wow. Sad, but very truthful how pride (or whatever) can get in the way of help from a fellow "man". Nicely written

  5. Some don't tie down well and live the way we think they should. The pain in my eyes would be I wasn't free to join them.

  6. Yes. You took us there. To perfection.

  7. Feel as if I watched the newscast myself. And I am saddened. Your poem is an effective reminder, perhaps even more than the television report.

  8. so simple than so complex sad - this is art !

  9. Bob,

    Your 'milk of human kindness, does overflow,' as with your own words writen in this poem.
    It is difficult to walk away from the scenes on the streets each day..Heartbreaking indeed.
    Thank you for raising awareness in minds today:)


  10. Oh, this is sad~ Their pride being their possession of self. I am so glad you shared-it is difficult to imagine and chills one's soul(and it should). We need to do more as a human race!
    so glad you shared!!!

  11. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Once again, awesomely crafted, effectively rhymed. The storytelling was on point as well.

    I feel like a broken record whenever I comment here, but, whatever. Another fine write.

  12. Thanks, I am humbled by your kind remark, I just wish it hadn't really happened.
