Sunday, December 02, 2012


We tend to rush around these days
and drive in a distracted daze
assuming everyone observes
the laws while navigating curves
but last night at a traffic light
the sunset was a pure delight
so I beheld the splendid scene
despite the fact I had the green
when suddenly a truck of brown
flew right by never slowing down--
without that pause to watch the sun
my journey could have been all done.


  1. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Wow!! Thank goodness for an illuminating sunset and a moment of hesitation! Nicely written moment in time!

  2. Phew... the hand of fate sure has a way of playing it just right sometimes.. thank goodness.

  3. OMG, this scary! Gives me the chills. So glad it was not your time!! There are miracles.

  4. so glad you decided to take a moment to enjoy the beauty around you!

  5. Wow, that is amazing. Makes you stop and think when something like that happens. Well written it conveyed everything beautifully.

  6. Isnt that amazing? Your appreciation of the sunset saved your life. That's just how fast it happens sometimes. Wow. Happy you took that extra moment!

  7. For a minute I thought this was going the way of "One Way to Valhalla," but this was even better.

  8. Life is a fragile thing - we need to appreciate more sunsets.

  9. I am always wishing life could be that bit slower to let us all enjoy the beauty more

  10. Very fun! Great rhyme, rythme == perfect fit for the content!
    Got me smiling.
    Those of us who easily get lost in reverie often live short lives! :-)

    My poem today also speaks of drivers of this sort.

  11. so true - people gotta keep their heads up - even when rockin' to Clapton.

  12. we never know what hesitation could change---great one rch!

  13. Thank God for your reverie. And for your lovely retelling of the moment.

  14. I know how you feel...I feel like getting out of my car and just gazing at the stunning sun rise or sunset but i am in the middle of the 10 land freeway, so I can't ~

  15. It was a beautiful sky, the kind that makes you stop and appreciate life - good thing I did, now I can continue to.

  16. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Ah, so funny. The sun continues to give life.

  17. Love it when God slows us down to avoid a disaster. Sometimes we don't ever know why we've been delayed. It's fun when you see it.
