Friday, July 06, 2012


I like to think I can appreciate art
no matter the form
but when it doesn’t conform
to my view of the norm
there’s a flutter in my heart

and I don’t know if it’s distaste or awe
or a mixture of the pair
affecting me down there
insisting that I stare
into that great unfathomed maw.


  1. I love how you blurred the lines of how one feels when they look at art!
    It does stir the emotions, wakes the senses or shuts them down~
    Interesting view...I enJOYed it!

  2. Bob,

    I guess everyone is moved or motivated by seeing different things in a piece of art. Sometimes it amazes me just what is considered to be art, or extremely valuable either...

    Eileen :)

  3. I think abstract art is just that - it appeals to certain people and you appreciate what you think you see ~

  4. I agree with what Ella says here!! I like how your poem gives the perspective of the art viewer!

  5. Thanks, such is art!

  6. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I nice perspective, and one not taken often for this prompt. Nicely done.
