Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I wish that I could know it all
like those that use this board
so gratified by their own gall
that snarkiness has soared—

contented with their skins of jade
and objects they can hold
will maxims keep them unafraid
before the void so cold?


  1. sadie3:06 PM

    Laughter is an attitude on a two way street
    Exchanged humor purposed only to treat
    A heart of light or enlightened heart...
    So this one will go now and do my part
    More words to learn while being spurned
    By the master of this board

    No intrusion was intended
    Perhaps leaving will bring fences mended
    Surprised by the ire and being cussed,
    Excuse this bunny made of dust
    While it escapes as it came in
    Oh great board master ...you win.

  2. Sadie this not for you
    I love your rhyming words
    Some other board is flinging poo
    Like testy little turds.

  3. sadie5:14 PM

    The master speaks
    What one wonders can be eeked?

    This other that seems to creep
    In manure knee deep
    I wonder as only dust can
    How much attention
    Can the other from you demand?
    With time being a conception fleet
    Can you not kick the dust from
    your feet?
    Do you know evil is only as strong
    As the strength you send along?

    Realizing when you're right
    you might need to fight
    However are you willing to give
    To one who is such a bore?

  4. I am no master, just a fool
    that thinks rhyming words are cool
    whose lucky every now and then
    to find a friend and share his pen.

    Thanks 8^D

  5. I just don't have an inkling
    Why your brow should get to wrinkling
    Me thinks a foe is stinkling
    Instead of friendly twinkling
    Ignore the poisonous drinkling
    Keep your crow's feet crinkling
    With gooder thoughts be thinkling
    Sweeter words you'll soon be sprinkling.

    ...what in the world did I just write? Well, I'm clicking 'Publish' anyway. I must be tired or foolish...maybe both. Sometimes we just can't stop ourselves, can we?

  6. sadie6:13 AM

    So...It is your board
    And you ARE the master..
    I need a new word,
    a new word I'm after.

    Can you make it a love song?
    This challenge for you...
    Is it wrong?
    Just a small tune, dust bunnies
    Can croon
    And tree frogs can hum along.

    Not sure if you could
    But if you only would
    Morph into a lyricist
    Board Master
    If not in a song where rhymes
    Can belong, and inspire the next
    Donald Duck Dunn,
    Then how about a new word
    Board Master just for fun?
