Thursday, May 31, 2012


When people make my patience flee
I look at them and I see... me
no mirror ever could display
such glaring flaws (oh what dismay!)

I’ve got to try to look beyond
my lack of vision, and respond
to revelations of this kind
as chances to remake my mind.


  1. Bob,

    I love this piece of ( personal ) reflection, in more ways than one.
    A little piece of all of us in that same reflection :)

    Best Wishes,

  2. Looking at ones self
    At their shelf
    Can be interesting to say the least
    And find the nature of the beast

  3. yep that "man in the mirror"--gets us every time

  4. Sadie4:30 PM

    Have you never had a day
    Where no matter what you say...
    You're wrong?
    Ever been to the brink of
    What ever you might think
    Somehow your thoughts can't
    It is in seclusion
    You come to conclusion
    Those things in your face
    You see as disgraced
    Recognized as traits
    that you will soon tire.
    Having no desire;
    You're revelation?:
    'tis you seeing you turned inward.
    I'll mention it plain so you can
    stay sane.
    Our spirits become weak,
    And so they will seek.
    That which they'll feed on,
    That which they need
    Coming straight from above
    We Call it Love...

  5. I really don't like what I see sometimes, but fortunately I don't encounter many mirrors.
