Thursday, May 24, 2012

Looking Up

I’m such a cynical sort
and yes, sarcastic too
you risk a wry retort
when asking for my view

my grandson mimics me
which prompts me now to pause
I don’t want him to be
corrupted by my flaws.


  1. Sadie5:06 PM

    It's such a race just to keep pace
    With all the words you write
    Whew what a sight!

    From the mouths of babes
    We learn to behave

    Note if you change
    Will you just rearrange
    Or quit all together
    If young birds will fly
    Will they even know why
    They have feathers?

  2. Little eyes are always there watching, soaking up all in their admiration and love, and strive to be like that wonderful person flaws and all. It takes care to temper the flaws that we don't want to perpetuate!

  3. Every word you let flow
    He will know
    And figure what the heck
    And give a little peck

  4. yep that's what i tell my husband all the time hehehe

  5. I know, one of the reasons I was always afraid to have any kids myself, not the best role model.
