Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Fancy Free

The world was waiting at my feet
I blithely kicked it aside
and watched it skitter down the street
the prodigal son of pride,

I booted every chance I had
so certain there’d be more
but now I’m feeling slightly sad
my toes a little sore

if only I could curb this curse
of being so blasé
my lark through limbo might reverse,
desire one deed away.


  1. I really enjoy your poems and this one sounds so like me :)

  2. Bob,

    Sometimes we all throw away chances. Always certain of another second chance....
    I suppose it is human(nature) to err....

    Eileen :)

  3. Always put off for more
    Never should be done
    Then life becomes a chore
    Until it ends its run

  4. With a talent like yours there will always be another chance waiting around the corner...One of these days! ;)

  5. Loved this poem. After your toe gets sore enough, you stop kicking and take a chance!

  6. Thanks everyone, your comments and friendship continue to inspire me daily!!

  7. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Excellent. And so, so familiar.
