Wednesday, June 09, 2010


A lot of people tend to shrink
away from what I put in ink
because it really hurts to think

about the truth we seldom face
that we’re all part of one sad race
condemned to fall just short of grace,

our evanescence nurtures greed
on which self righteous vermin feed
why can’t we germinate the seed

of sacrifice for ages hence
without the need for recompense,
as love should never gauge expense.


  1. Wow! You're really on the mark here. I'm liking your writing more and more. I especially loved these lines:

    'why can’t we germinate the seed
    of sacrifice for ages hence
    without the need for recompense,
    as love should never gauge expense'

    Man! That last line sums up so much that's wrong with us.

    "As love should never gauge expense"--- Keep writing TRUTH.

  2. Reality portrayed beautifully!

    "condemned to fall just short of grace" -- wonderful!


  3. Hey oz, how was your camping trip? Great to see you as always :)

    Hi bnb, thanks and I wish it wasn't so but do appreciate your appreciation. ;)

    Hi dimps, you are much too generous as usual, thanks.

  4. A lot of people tend to shrink
    away from what I put in ink
    because it really hurts to think

    Reading the first three lines had me giggling so much I had to take a break before continuing. No offense meant; I'm just going to silently fawn over your wit and way with words that lilt.

    Cheers, Bob. Don't let 'em greedy vermins burp and gas you down. ;)

  5. Hey Thanks SL, I'm so glad you get my sense of humor. :D
