Sunday, February 24, 2008


I long to see the hyacinth anon
imparting salutations breezily
and breathe the sweet cologne that wafts upon
invigorating gusts that easily
dispel the winter doldrums dragging on,
accumulating drifts inside of me.
I pull my collar up to warm my chin
in lieu of golden kisses on my skin.

As angles change, the chance to see protracts
but only if a pupil seeks the truth,
hallucinations often pose as facts
when altered by the heady state of youth
and even sully patronizing pacts
of those a little longer in the tooth
that hide behind their overweening grin
denial of the emptiness within.

We all require temperate climes to bloom
and solid clay to hold us tenderly
when certain days of unexpected gloom
precipitate their misty misery,
and if tomorrow brings my final doom
I’ll face the end with much felicity
unburdened by my mitigated sin,
as haunting hints of hyacinth begin.


  1. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Wow! This is beautiful...filled with the promise of Spring. As always your words hold a lot of wisdom painted with a brush of hope. That photo adds just the right touch!

  2. Hi Bob
    I absolutely love this poem!!!!!

  3. Misty misery is precipitating here as I type.
    This poem fit my mood exactly. Seems as if the winters are getting longer
    and the need for rebirth stronger as years pass. Well spoken feeling.

  4. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Lovely in form and in words.

  5. It's much too flowery ;)

  6. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Says who? :)

  7. and if tomorrow brings my final doom
    I’ll face the end with much felicity

    That's my favorite part for its brave face. Love the photo you chose too.

  8. Hi Sara, thanks a lot, it matched my background.

  9. Anonymous11:27 PM

    The following are my favorite lines:

    "I long to see the hyacinth anon
    imparting salutations breezily
    and breathe the sweet cologne that wafts upon
    invigorating gusts that easily"

    Masterful craftsmanship, indeed.
