Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Communing with the sylvan kings
whose regal limbs protect me,
enraptured as each creature sings
their part in Nature’s medley;
I gratefully applaud for more
undaunted by the real score.


  1. Goddesses and Sylvan kings!! Is it the change of season or are you tucked into some Piers Anthony?? (I have over 20 Xanth novels by the way :-)

  2. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I think it's the change of season!

  3. Hey Glenn, wow that is great, I see we really share some similar tastes. No wonder my inane ramblings seem to amuse you occasionally. I particularly like his Phaze Doubt series, the first band I was ever in was called Split Infinity. This reminds me, I'm way behind on my reading. Thanks a lot for taking the time to comment 8^D.

    Hey Shirley yes I think it is a little spring madness. ;^)

  4. One of my favourites would have to be a book called Mute.

  5. Yes I've seen that one listed but never read it, though I will now. ;-)

  6. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Count me as another Piers Anthony fan (I also really like his Tarot series)...

    But to the poem, nice work... The flow is great, and the meter and rhythm appealing...
